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The Ocean

Silent witness

of my uncountable emotions

of my dreams come true,

of so many words I screamed

into the empty space at its shores

a friend who has been present

with every cry and every laughter.


This Ocean

which has seen me grow up,

and be in total gratitude with life

It is the same ocean

which has seen me

angry and frustrated

as it was at these shores

where I vented out

my frustrations.


It has heard my innumerable questions

and it has cheered me

when I have figured out the answers.



How I have gotten to know this Ocean

though I have also seen him change.

I have slowly understood him.

I have slowly learned to respect him.


At times I wondered...

if I have learned to be like him

though I get moved

by the power of the moon

magnetically and sentimentally

and I get charged

by the power of the sun

always smiling when the skies are clear.


Today I look outside my window

and see him agitated

as the wind takes him high

and throws him hard against its shores.


So, I sit next to him

as it’s my turn to be there

"I understand you old friend!

Your heart is protected in the depths

where nothing can touch it."


I know that tomorrow will be another day

and this short storm will have passed

This Ocean will return

to its calm and powerful passion

as he has always taught me.


Tonight my old friend

strikes hard against the reefs

tomorrow he will protect them

and caress them gently.


It is not strange for me

to see the Ocean this way

though it reminds me

of my younger years

when I feared these storms

today I admired them

and I attentively listen.


Silent friend and counselor

you are like a brother

that has patiently seen me

overcome my obstacles

and my personal storms.


Today that the wind splashes my face

with your salty tears

I walk along your shores

and sing to you

that wonderful lullaby

you have sang to me before.


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